In this post I'll delve into study materials, tips and tricks that can help you pass the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. This certification doubled my salary, and I highly recommend it to boost your understanding of best practices as a project manager.
Why I Named my Blog “Crazy Wall Casey”
Disclaimer: While I understand the term “Crazy” can be offensive to some, here at CWC we embrace the more positive definitions of “being unusual, or […]
My Salary Went From $35K To Over Six-Figures In 4 Years, Here’s How I Did It
This article reveals how my salary went from $35K a year to over $135K, more than tripling my income in 4 years. It details my salary negotiation tools, how I secretly spent my time and how you can get the raise you deserve.
CONFERENCE CONFIDENTIAL: A Memo To My Co-Worker Who Outed My Blog
Article Summary: This post reveals my reaction to my co-worker who outed my blog to my boss and team, the viral post that followed, advice […]
The Best Negotiation Advice I’ve Ever Received
When it comes to negotiation advice “Never [Splitting] the Difference” never worked for me. “Getting to Yes” has taken more than a few tries. But […]
Top 5 Business Strategy Games
This post details five games that will help you develop your business strategy and operations management skills. These selections reinforce social prowess, resource allocation, time management, attention to detail and patience.
Media Coverage: 40+ News Story Ideas
Fake news is a big thing in the field of Social Media Journalism. Fake news can be as simple has spreading misinformation, or as dangerous […]
Book Review: Walk Through Fire: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Triumph by Sheila Johnson
Preview in new tab This post is an in depth review of Sheila Johnson’s book, Walk Through Fire: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Triumph. […]
Case of the Mondays: How I Focus, Get Hype, and Add Suspense to My Workweek
This post offers you some helpful ways you can re-focus your attention, and energize your workday. The Background Look left, look right, and you’re bound […]
Book Review: Secrets of Six-Figure Women by Barbara Stanny
Crazy Wall Casey reviews Secrets of Six-Figure Women, the popular book by Barbara Stanny. This post reveals practical strategies for preparing to negotiate your salary and fees.
Fair Pay: A Beginners Guide to Earning a Six-Figure Salary
I recently wrote a post reviewing the book Secrets of Six-Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life by Barbara Stanny. […]